B2B SEO Strategy in 2024

The Beginner’s Guide to B2B SEO Strategy in 2024

B2B SEO Strategy in 2024

In 2023, Google introduced four core updates alongside a significant enhancement focused on prioritizing pages with helpful content in search engine results pages (SERPs). 68% of website traffic starts from a search query. While the fundamentals of B2B SEO remain unchanged since our 2023 update, there has been a notable shift in execution: the widespread availability of generative artificial intelligence (AI). 

This advancement has made it increasingly effortless for B2B marketing teams to generate extensive collections of AI-driven content, necessitating strategic consideration of its implications when planning and producing content for SEO.

Throughout this B2B SEO guide, we’ll  explore the practical aspects and ramifications of AI, content utility, and triage in greater detail. However, the primary factors to grasp when crafting a B2B SEO strategy 2024 according to professional Professional SEO Services are:

What is B2B SEO?

B2B SEO is a specialized digital marketing tactic aimed at boosting the search engine rankings of B2B website pages on platforms such as Google and Bing. Unlike B2C SEO, B2B SEO revolves around optimizing for keywords commonly used by influential decision-makers within businesses during their work-related searches.


SEO in B2B differs somewhat from B2C.

While Google’s ranking factors remain consistent across both, the practical implementation of SEO varies between the two.

In B2B SEO, the target audience isn’t typically a broad demographic but rather a select group of decision-makers within companies. This fundamental distinction significantly impacts keyword targeting and content strategy.

Unlike B2C, where websites often target high-volume keywords, B2B sites may focus on more niche keywords with lower search volumes, tailored to the needs of specific decision-makers.

Moreover, content marketing approaches differ between B2B and B2C. While platforms like TikTok may be effective for B2C, B2B companies often find greater success with strategies like blogging and email marketing.

Effective B2B SEO strategy 2024 involves several key steps:

  1. Develop detailed personas of decision-makers.
  2. Select bottom-of-the-funnel keywords relevant to your offerings.
  3. Identify top-of-the-funnel topics to attract potential leads.
  4. Optimize product and service pages for search visibility.
  5. Establish a high-value B2B blog to showcase expertise and attract prospects.
  6. Cultivate backlinks to enhance your website’s authority and search rankings.

Guide to the Best B2B SEO Strategy 2024

Step #1: Build Your Decision Maker Persona

In B2C, your target is your customer, but in the B2B realm, it’s more complex as you’re targeting a business entity. Determine the key decision makers within these businesses, such as product managers, CFOs, or inventory managers. The Make My Persona tool assists in creating detailed personas, from demographics to career information.

Step #2: Choose Your Bottom of the Funnel Keywords

  • Identify bottom of the funnel keywords aligned with your persona’s search intent. These keywords reflect search queries made by prospects ready to make a purchase. 
  • Utilize tools like the Seed Keywords Engine to gather insights into what your target audience is searching for. 
  • Leverage Google Autocomplete and competitor keyword analysis to uncover relevant long-tail keywords. Prioritize keywords with high CPC (Cost Per Click) as they indicate valuable traffic.

Step #3: Find Top of the Funnel Topics

Discover top of the funnel topics to address broader queries and attract potential leads. While bottom of the funnel keywords are for ready-to-buy prospects, top of the funnel topics cater to a wider audience exploring solutions. 

Utilize tools like Exploding Topics to identify trending topics in your industry. Create content around these topics to attract and engage prospects earlier in their buyer journey.

Step #4: Optimize Your Product and Services Pages

  • Optimize your product and service pages for SEO by focusing on bottom of the funnel keywords. 
  • Ensure each page offers unique, high-quality content tailored to your target keywords. Emphasize long-form content, as it provides depth and comprehensiveness, aiding in better rankings. 
  • Strategically incorporate keywords into page elements like titles, URLs, meta descriptions, and content to enhance relevance and visibility.

Step #5: Create an Insanely Valuable B2B Blog

Establish a valuable B2B blog to attract organic traffic and showcase expertise in your industry. Rather than focusing solely on product-centric content, address shoulder topics that resonate with your audience’s interests and pain points. 

Produce comprehensive ultimate guides to serve as authoritative resources in your niche. Adopt a “Business Casual” writing style to make your content professional yet engaging.

Step #6: Build Backlinks For Your B2B Website

Implement effective link building strategies tailored to B2B, such as digital PR, creating helpful tools and calculators, and leveraging partner pages. Generate backlinks from industry-relevant sources to boost your website’s authority and credibility. Prioritize quality over quantity when building backlinks, ensuring they come from reputable and relevant websites within your industry niche.

By following these steps, you can develop a robust B2B SEO strategy that drives organic traffic, engages prospects, and generates valuable leads for your business.

Wrapping Up

Now, that’s all for our comprehensive B2B SEO guide.

Now, over to you: Which step from today’s B2B SEO guide are you going to try first? Will you focus on publishing ultimate guides? Or perhaps you’re considering creating a helpful tool.

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